But in recent decades, especially the Soviet launch of Sputnik's success in 1957, the trend has been to create massive institutions that foster collaboration between researchers and to focus greater research funds. A study of Nobel Prize winners in 2005 found that accumulation of knowledge over time has forced great brains to its osteneasca more before discovering answers to problems. The age at which great thinkers produce significant innovations increased by six years during the twentieth century. Engineer Adrian Bejan of Duke University says that "the history of great scientific achievement is marked by solitary investigators, from Archimedes to Newton and Darwin. Solitary thinkers have flourished throughout history because this is natural, science is good for mind ganditaorului and well being. Even if the trend is towards the formation of large research groups, the individual will always flourish. " Bejan believes that the issue of science today is why that if an institution is made of individual researchers, it will have many ideas but little support. Pedealtaparte, he says, a large group would enjoy much support, but by comparison, would have fewer ideas from each individual. Therefore, even highly intelligent people are born every generation, it is possible that their spark is no longer present to be not be so visible, being branded a big company. So today could appear a second Einstein? Not even he could not answer such questions, but it should be noted that two centuries have separated the German by Newton, considered by many great intellectual rival. This could mean that the next Einstein is now a baby, or just going to be born.
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